Today I will wear white . . . forever….
Played 3-D Hop Scotch with my life last night just to see the present & future ramifications of my decisions, specifically the decision I have to make this summer regarding my move to London. My life without a PhD looks withered and worn and less as I attempt to look forward looking back. And who knows if the worst case scenario would even be a factor when it’s all said & done? I have almost 3 more months to ponder these questions & so many more.
No te dejes! indeed. Dear Sonia, I had (erotic) dreams about you last night, except you were much younger and I was more fit. It was Lolita meets Soniacita, good ’nuff to eat cha! I guess I’m having more anxiety about your wedding than you are. I just don’t want to lose a soul mate & fellow traveler through marriage.
Training for this 5k is killing me legs, y’all! Did 5k on the treadmill this morning after a full session of lifting weights (upper body). But I’ll be happy to jog it under 50 minutes come May 20th. Now I can get through about 1/2 of it jogging and walk the rest.
Thursday evening I give my last exam to my government class. Grades are due Monday, and I’ll be free to spend all my time on my music until summer II begins early July. I’m looking forward to this next phase.