…or can it really be considered insomnia when I slept for almost 11 hours last night? I have faith that it will all balance in the end.
So far, my summer courses are going well. It’s exhausting as hell to be on for almost 70 students (about 35 in each class) for the entire evening, but I’m sure to value the experience. It’s truly amazing that there are no students I flat out dislike from the start!
Last weekend was blissful, spending time with Stephen. He took off work Friday, so we exercised at the Y, and then went rollerblading at White Rock Lake in the afternoon. Saturday we watched the fireworks in Addison with his family and Kris; then afterwards, we & Kris sat in her backyard solving all the world’s problems around the chiminea.
Sunday we drove out to east Texas to have a Fourth of July cookout with my sister and brother-in-law. Spent a huge chunk of the day out there watching the horses & cows and playing with her huge dogs. I ended up smashing my hand on a rusty gate, and I’ve been wearing a bandage since.
Monday we finally caught Godzilla at the Angelika—the original Japanese version with subtitles. Despite seeing the string move Godzilla’s tail and the miniature trains & cars, the film was brilliant in critiquing nuclear weapons as well as indicting those tendencies in man that are more primitive than a creature from the Jurassic period. Watching Tokyo being destroyed by the monster’s radioactive fire breath was surreal after recently watching The Fog of War that showed actual footage of America’s firebombing campaign in Tokyo (in which a mere 100,000 Japanese were burned alive). Things like that are hard to bear. And what were the Japanese who participated in the filming of this movie in 1954 thinking, having survived that holocaust just a few years earlier?
Alas, I can’t answer all questions tonight, so I will now return to bed. But, ah … more terrible math to make me jolt upright if I do doze off.