Recognizing Nonpatterns

Humans are ever so adept at recognizing patterns; they are not so adept at recognizing nonpatterns. Hence, the popularity of conspiracy theories. And dada (despite the fact that it is rarely recognized as dada).

A nonpattern I’ve recently recognized: the ubiquity of Homer Simpsonisms. Within the past few months, I’ve read quotes from America’s favorite dad on everything from wedding announcements to funeral programs, expressing emotions ranging from “do’h!” to “woo-hoo!” I’m sure somewhere along the way, trademark infringement (if not downright violation) is at issue. But what to do when a nonliving entity takes on a life of its own? (Yes, I do expect answers to all rhetorical questions.)

Suffered through several hours of study and work over the weekend. On page 50 of the text for my Logic & Methodologies course, I learned that 1=1. Of course, I had learned that somewhere around first grade, but apparently I didn’t learn it sufficiently (enough) before paying over a $1000 (including tuition, fees, and books) this fall. Does prior, free knowledge ever really count? On page 112 this morning, I stumbled across another jewel: “Tedium never advanced any science.” I marked it with big, swirling lines running off the page. I would even be so bold as to expand that notion to, “Tedium never advanced any enterprise.” Perhaps during my professor’s three-hour monotonous monologue this afternoon, I’ll raise my hand and ask her to confront that most obvious sentiment which she has robustly ignored since August. (And yes, I’m still waiting for an answer….)

My wish for this week: No (more) funerals. No (more) sadness. There is a sharp decline in productivity of the living when people die: the senselessness of it all envelopes the sadness and feelings of loss to where the most banal act (reading a textbook) takes on the most blasphemous connotations.

(Rest in peace, Theo. I hardly knew you, but I liked you a lot–which is saying a lot these days.)