There is something fundamentally rotten about a legislature strengthening and protecting corporations from the so-called free market while the rights (and options) of individuals dwindle, dry up, and die on the wayside. Fellow free-thinking Americans: write your senators today! Let them know you strongly oppose the proposed overhaul of the bankruptcy laws [S-256].
Why further exacerbate the poverty-stricken by denying them equal protection under the law? Manipulating bankruptcy laws merely avoids the real issue of economic disparity in the United States.
Minimum wage hasn’t been raised in eight years, and the standard of living has, for the most part, stayed the same for the past thirty. Demand fairness for all! Demand the right not to pay your bills! (Okay, I sometimes forget to reign in the sarcasm….) But it is time to keep the pigs off the ladder (an allusion to Orwell’s Animal Farm): equal equality for all, not just the rich, and no more corporate welfare without human welfare first. (And this time I’m serious.)