Radiant Vega

The Suzanne Vega concert at the Granada Theater Saturday evening was just what the doctor ordered (if my doctor had any sense or insight into my various & several maladies). Arriving shortly before opening act Susan Gibson took the stage, we ordered a round of drinks and just relaxed, chatting about utopias until the music began. Vega’s voice was just as clear and crisp as if we were listening to the vocal tracks from her albums all those years ago + live guitar. Overall, it was a great, accessible show.

Sunday afternoon we spent several hours in the air-conditioned darkness of the 18th Dallas Video Festival. The highlight was Radiant–a science fiction drama that used creative cinematography and ambient soundscapes to create the perfect mood of paranoia & fear.

That evening Stephen baked blueberry crumble bars. Yum! I enjoyed a couple for breakfast this morning.

Looking forward to the days when I am European (or at least president of the United States) and can enjoy the entire month of August off…. But now I have exams to write, essays to grade, and lessons to plan.