In Memory of Little Beasts

I’m devastated, and I’ve been bawling my eyes out for days now. I went to bed Friday evening sure that my little family was safe and well, only to lose my little boy in the night. He wasn’t ill. Despite being deaf, he was probably the fittest cat I’ve ever known. But he died early Saturday morning, just weeks shy from his eighth birthday/anniversary, and now my home is filled with tears where a little white deaf cat once lived.

I’m angry that the remaining four to eight years I fully expected to have with him were taken from me. I’m angry that he died in distress with no warning. And that I was unable to do anything to help. I loved him with all my heart, and yet I still know I didn’t deserve the love he offered me.

Rest in peace, my fearless Stupid Baby. I’ll never forget you.

Bosko P. Carmichael, June 29, 2011 – May 11, 2019

Bosko’s Tumblr can be found at, if you want to see almost eight years of cat photos.