FIT 2019

The 21st annual Festival of Independent Theatres wraps up this weekend at Dallas’ Bath House Cultural Center on the shore of White Rock Lake. It’s maybe only the third or fourth time I’ve attended since moving (back) to Dallas, but I managed to see every show this year. Here is my ranking, from worst to best, with a few comments for each show. If you’re in the area, I highly recommend this festival.

“Dirty Dirty Night Squirrel” – Imprint Theatre Works – Imprint has just closed their second season, and I’ve seen a couple of their productions, which were at least interesting and well done. This one-act play is all over the place. I didn’t care about any of the characters, and the plot doesn’t really go anywhere.

“Sky’s the Limit: A Very Queer Fairy Tale” – Flexible Grey Theatre Company – Flexible Grey is doing some interesting work. I’ve seen 4 of their productions since they formed last year, and I always find something that is missing from many other theater companies. This work is far too short for FIT; with some more development, it would be something really special.

“Marilyn, Pursued by a Bear” – Lily & Joan Theatre Co. – An interesting script with far too many characters. I wonder what this could’ve been with only three or four actors. Or even as a solo performance. The ending seems tacked on in the worst way, although the impression of Marilyn is uncanny.

“Nerve” – Bootstraps Comedy Theater – A funny first-date comedy that focuses on the tragedy of seeking love and acceptance. The female character’s role isn’t as developed or as funny, though both actors are strong. Read my complete review at TheaterJones.

“The Beast of Hyperborea” – Audacity Theatre Lab – Brad McEntire is a talented performer and a staunch supporter of solo performers in the area. This play wraps an interesting adventure story in a great retro aura. The slideshow at the end of the performance feels tacked on; I think it’d be more effective if it were used throughout the show.

“small hours” – Leos Ensemble – This work is more experimental theater or even performance art. I wish I would’ve known that going in. A harrowing look at postpartum depression that effectively makes time stand still during the performance.

“The 1st Annual Gay Show” – Very Good Dance Theatre – Outstanding, thoughtful, and funny look at what a beauty contest for queer/non-binary people might be, especially under the ever-present specter and ugliness of homophobia, transphobia, and (trans-)misogyny. I’d want to see this developed a bit more, doing away with the audience participation/confessional element. Read my full review at TheaterJones.

“Jo & Louisa” – WingSpan Theatre Co. – WingSpan is a daring theater, and I’ve been blown away from previous productions. This script is really incredible. But the actors needed much more voice work for their characters. Pacing was a problem, and they seemed to speak in only one range. With the right actors, this would’ve easily been a sensational show, but the quality of the text makes this easily the best of the Festival.