Here are the books I read in 2021. A total of 20. Of course I read more than that, but it’s impossible to find some texts on IndieBound or even on publishers’ web sites. Seven books by Nietzsche: five of them were rereads, and the other two (Dionysian-Dithyrambs and Twilight of the Idols: or How to Philosophize with a Hammer) were new to me. Finished only one novel by Toni Morrison, though I’m nearly done with another. The Wojnarowicz was a dear traveling companion across the country, from Dallas to Seattle, from the border of Mexico to the border of Canada. The Michel Leiris book was inspired; the Édouard Glissant, equally brilliant. Some really great poetry and shorter novels and hybrid works. Only eight of the twenty were originally written in English. The only book that I didn’t care for at all was The Iliac Crest. I have no idea why people liked it. It’s not the first time my tastes differ from others (please see the other books I read).