Buzzing from the double soy latte I nursed at Torrefazione as I finished Che’s Motorcycle Diaries. Raving for the endorphin/adrenaline rush due to caffeine, a hard workout, shitty drivers, an empty stomach, and frustration. But the banana with a dollop of peanut butter on every bite, the last of the JumBlo bubble gum (red, no less), and the 2nd cup of milk I just slammed should kick in soon, and I’ll be back to my dour self.
Bolesław looks like an orange angel sleeping on the couch as the light through the trees just outside the front window dances on his beautiful face. If he can get through this day with such a strong sense of ease & peace, then so can I.
Tomorrow morning my tai chi class begins. I’m looking forward to learning something new as well as practicing it consistently over the next month.
Peaceful thoughts to all who read what hopefully comes across as peaceful thoughts.