With this entry, you’ll notice that I’ve returned to the original style of also using the time when I begin writing. I had stopped documenting the times when I was actually employed–already so long ago–so as not to have proof that I was working on my web site when I should’ve been working for The Man. Well, fuck The Man! and his mind-numbing jobs!
This morning was spent running errands around Dallas: I bought my ticket to Warsaw; mailed off my visa application; and got my third and final Hepatitis B vaccination shot. It was nice to actually get some things accomplished and finalized since I leave in less than three weeks.
Saw David Byrne in concert several days ago. It was incredible: he performed several of my favorite songs from his solo career, collaborations, and from his days with Talking Heads. He’s one of my all-time favorite singers and certainly one of the most creative people in America. For the past year I’ve had the fantasy of writing an opera to be sung by him and Bjork, perhaps with Laurie Anderson and Suzanne Vega in the chorus!
Leaving for New Orleans Saturday afternoon with Stephen and Kennan. There’s a mandatory conference about hurricanes at the Pat O’Brien Conference Center. Wish I didn’t have to go, but alas….
I’m so looking forward to leaving this cyberpit I’ve allowed myself to fall into. Too many delinquents, most of them juvenile, online. It amazes me how one teenager can be totally in touch with reality and offer insight and depth of emotion while another can only talk about his dick! I just cannot relate. (But I’ve already decided that in my next incarnation I shall be a counselor for troubled teens….)