My calendar tells me it’s spring break this week, despite the fact that spring doesn’t begin for a another week and that over my “break” I have to write a midterm exam for my students, re-evaluate the grades for a handful of not my students, organize and type reading notes over several books and articles, begin research on my next essay due in two weeks, read a text for my Reading Group, and try to find time to begin reading another text that I put down a month ago and should’ve finished by now. Fuck spring break!
Tonight some friends and I are heading to Denton to hear some bands play at Rubber Gloves: WHY?, Cryptacize, Sunburned Hand of the Man, and Astronautalis. The band I’m most interested in is WHY?, meaning it’s going to be way past my bedtime before they take the stage. (Please remember that I have at least three diagnosed sleeping disorders before you judge me an old, useless man. Which reminds me: I should try to take a little nap before going out.)
Last Thursday we had two inches of snow, and today the temperature is above 70. The forecast for the next few days should see us in the 80s. I try not to dread the summer coming on, but it’s really what I do best. How did I manage to live in Texas for as long as I have?
A game I play with people who look ridiculous and sad: “What bad decisions led you to this?” The game consists in seeing someone ridiculous, sad, disgusting, ugly, unlovable, etc., and asking under my breath the question: “What bad decisions led you to this?” If I were to play this game with myself, I’m not sure even I could win. And I’m the one that invented the rule.
Now it’s time to go back to my sweaty spring break (that is no break at all) and try to take a nap so I won’t be entirely useless when my band comes on sometime around tomorrow morning.