15 Songs for a Solstice

…to help keep the cold in on the first day of winter. (As if most of us needed help with that.) Here’s to a new season of personal (and universal) growth.

For those of you not on MySpace, I’m currently reading Edmond JabèsThe Book of Margins. After only the first 35 pages, I can definitively state that it will be one of my most favorite books I have/will ever read:

The word is distance within non-distance, that is, the width of a gap that every letter stresses while bridging it. What is said is always said in relation to what will never be expressed. At these extreme limits we recognize ourselves.

This winter will (always already and yet again) prove the truth of the infinite distance I must travel in order to recognize myself in the extremities of the here and now. And now to the soundtrack that will be playing on that trip:

15 Songs for a Solstice

…to help keep the cold in on the first day of winter. (As if most of us needed help with that.) Here’s to a new season of personal (and universal) growth.

For those of you not on MySpace, I’m currently reading Edmond JabèsThe Book of Margins. After only the first 35 pages, I can definitively state that it will be one of my most favorite books I have/will ever read:

The word is distance within non-distance, that is, the width of a gap that every letter stresses while bridging it. What is said is always said in relation to what will never be expressed. At these extreme limits we recognize ourselves.

This winter will (always already and yet again) prove the truth of the infinite distance I must travel in order to recognize myself in the extremities of the here and now. And now to the soundtrack that will be playing on that trip: