The Constitution of Love

Don’t expect too much brilliance (if ever such a thing had been expected here prior to this post) over the course of the next couple of weeks as I spend almost 20 hours each weekend on my feet teaching a mini/intensive humanities course out in the suburbs. I love teaching. And this class has taught me what I hate most about the courses in which I’m currently a student: lack of diversity. This course I teach has 25 student–all from completely different backgrounds/countries/religions; the courses I take are filled with self-righteous Catholics who I fear would take me out on the edge of campus and stone me should they every fathom the depths of my wickedness. Que sera sera….

Nevertheless, it’s time to choose the best love song ever. I won’t accept wimpy, pedestrian love songs. Feel free to either vote from the choices listed below, or submit your own tune with some sample lyrics that deserve a second listen. There’s only 1 rule: the song must contain the word “love” in the title.

The Best Love Song Ever:

  • Led Zeppelin’s “All My Love” – “Yours is the cloth, mine is the hand that sews time / His is the force that lies within / Ours is the fire, all the warmth we can find / He is a feather in the wind”
  • Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s “The Power of Love” – “I’ll protect you from the Hooded Claw / Keep the vampires from your door / When the chips are down I’ll be around / With my undying, death-defying
    Love for you”
  • Olivia Newton-John’s “I Love You” – “If we both were born / In another place and time / This moment might be ending in a kiss / But there you are with yours / And here I am with mine / So I guess we’ll just be leaving it at this”
  • The Cure’s “Lovesong” – “Whenever I’m alone with you / You make me feel like I am free again / Whenever I’m alone with you / You make me feel like I am clean again / However far away / I will always love you / However long I stay / I will always love you / Whatever words I say / I will always love you”